Unión Europea


Poster of the Galicia Innovation and Design Awards

Finalists in the III Galicia Innovation and Design Awards

12|2022. Due to its successful career in the creation of products, audiovisual communication projects and environments, the Galician Agency for Innovation has positioned the MMASA studio among the finalists in the category of design professionals of the III Innovation and Design Awards.

In the International Meeting on Strategies for Mitigating Climate induced Health Threats anda Risks

In the International Meeting on Strategies for Mitigating Climate induced Health Threats anda Risks

12|22. Our architect, professor and member of the research group of the University of A Coruña (UDC), Patricia Muñíz, gave a presentation at the International Meeting on Strategies for Mitigating Climate induced Health Threats and Risks. Climate).

International meeting program


11|22. Our architect and UDC professor, Patricia Muñíz, participated as a speaker in the international meeting on STRATEGIES TO MITIGATE HEALTH THREATS AND RISKS INDUCED BY THE CLIMATE organized by the Person-environment research group.


RIES22 Award Strategies for healthy habitats

10|22. Our urban planner and city planner, Luciano Alfaya, received the RIES22 Award for his strategies for healthy habitats, awarded by the Cluster Saúde de Galicia, CSG, whose objective is to recognize innovative projects in the health or socio-sanitary sector.

Luciano Alfaya y Patricia Muñíz

In the II conference D'Innovació in habitat of the Generalitat Valenciana

10|22. Patricia Muñiz and Luciano Alfaya gave a conference at the II D'Innovació en Habitatge conference organized by the Generalitat Valenciana and in which the regional secretary for architecture, Laura Soto Francés, and Héctor Illueca Ballester, second vice president of the Conseller d'Habitatge, participated i Bioclimatic Architecture.

First Prize Mondariz Spa

First Prize Mondariz Spa

09|22. Our studio has won the first prize in the contest "Recovery of the public space around the Hotels" convened by the Mondariz Balneario town hall with the purpose of remodeling the urban space located in the surroundings of the Mondariz Spa Hotel and, to carry it out later, with criteria of environmental, economic and social sustainability, energy efficiency and universal accessibility.

O Rio Minho as a Common Place

The river Minho as a Common Place

09|20. Our architect, urban planner and planner of urban growth strategies, Luciano Alfaya, participated in the conference "O Rio Minho as a common place" organized by the University of Minho and the Melgaço City Hall.

Coordinators of the Economic Forum of Galicia 2022

Coordinators of the Economic Forum of Galicia 2022

08|22. Our architect and urban planner, Luciano Alfaya, assumed the coordination of the conference "Galicia 2040, land use planning and system of cities" organized by the Economic Forum of Galicia.

In the New European Bauhaus

In the New European Bauhaus

04|22. Our architect and urban planner, Luciano Alfaya, moderated the day of the New European Bauhaus "Facing a new architecture in Europe" in which Marcos Ros Sempere, architect, professor of urban planning and in charge of the European Commission on the New Bauhaus; with Cristina García Fontán, architect and coordinator of the landscaping degree and Beatríz Piñeiro Lago, doctor of Medicine, innovation and sustainability manager at SERGAS and coordinator of the New Bauhaus in Galicia.

Gran de Area Award 2021

Gran de Area Award 2021

12|21. Our 36 public housing building received the 2021 Gran de Area Prize. A building promoted by the Galician Institute of Housing and Solo of the Xunta de Galicia for the Vigo city council. Thanks to the jury of the Gran de Area awards for contribution to Architecture, organized by the College of Architects of Galicia, for this recognition.

Third award in "Nussos i cruïlles, the future of road infrastructures in Barcelona"

Third award in "Nussos i cruïlles, the future of road infrastructures in Barcelona"

06|21. MMASA+Bivaque Tau study third classified in the ideas contest "Nussos i cruïlles, the future of road infrastructures in Barcelona". It has been a privilege to participate in a two-phase competition with international teams and to contribute our perspective to the debate on the Metropolitan Urban Master Plan.

SCALAE conference

SCALAE conference

03|21. MMASA participated together with Ana Bofill, Luis Domínguez Viñales, Juan Elvira, Clara Murado, Miriam García, Ginés Garrido, Jesús Irisarri and Lupe Piñera in SCALAE 2021.